Sales Insights: Boosting Pipeline Growth with Targeted Strategies
Sales Services
Optimizing your sales sometimes involves flipping, turning, reviewing and rewriting your whole process. All of this, however, starts with insight! Sales Insight brings this to the table and is driven by results and a high fun factor in the sales process.
Founded in 2018, Sales Insight focuses on small and medium-sized organizations, providing sales training, interim management and tailored service packages. They are comfortable in all kinds of markets boosting sales processes and bringing Insight. Their offering, however, adds value much broader as they also provide training for support staff, complaint management, negotiation and telephone acquisitions. Sales Insight maps the existing process and focuses on the result to be achieved.
Sales Insight faced a tough year in 2020. As a sales trainer, the main focus of Sales Insight is giving physical training. This came to a grinding halt when the Dutch government initiated a national lockdown on the 12th of March. From that moment on, people were urged to work at home and avoid physical contact. This had major consequences for Sales Insight; their pipeline ran dry as the crisis emerged. They introduced online training sessions, but these weren’t as effective as the physical training sessions.
Through a networking club, Sales Insight’s founder Arno Jongman came into contact with one of The Linq Group’s employees. His interest in The Linq Group’s way of selling was sparked. A clear goal was set: filling the pipeline. Together with Arno, The Linq Group aimed to transform their LinkedIn prospects into leads.
Prospects are more than willing to talk to you and this has led to a good amount of deals. So the investment paid itself off, so to speak.
-Arno Jongman, Founder
Sales Insight experienced the process as very professional and well thought-out, with clear communication. Starting a conversations is one thing, but implementing the process into your daily routine can be a dealmaker or breaker. Managing to check the inbox every morning, allowed them to follow up with every conversation they had. During the weekly coaching calls, their Linker Success Manager helped with managing the LinkedIn activities and seizing the opportunities that arised.
“The beauty of this way of selling is the quick results. Within no time the first conversations are made and the virtual cups of coffee are planned.” – Arno Jongman, Founder.
The Linq Group’s service was fruitful for Sales Insight. Arno gained 836 new connections in his relevant target audience. Among these new connections, 202 got into a conversation with him, 105 of which showed interest to get in touch with Arno. In these calls and meetings, interest in Sales Insight was sparked!
Overall, Arno has won four assignments in the six months he has been using The Linq Group. The investment paid off and the pipeline grew by a great deal.